PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

Web developers love PHP or ASP.Net for building websites and developing web apps. Both languages have their pros and cons. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language, while ASP.Net is a server-side open-source scripting language. PHP is majorly used by content-heavy sites, while ASP.Net is used for dynamic web application development.

However, there needs to be more clarity when choosing between the two. Some would go with PHP, while others with ASP.Net. The choice depends on several factors. Moreover, each language has a set of pros and cons that you must recognise when building a web application.

This article will discuss the differences between ASP.Net Vs PHP in detail. We will determine which language works best and when. So, without much ado, let’s get started.

ASP.Net Vs PHP Detail Comparison


Choosing the right web development language for your tech stack is pivotal. It can help accelerate web app development and ensure smooth outcomes. Let’s discuss how these two languages are different using several factors.

YSpeed and Performance

Users don’t stay back and wait for your website to open. Their patience runs out as soon as the clock turns to 3 seconds. You receive attritions if your website doesn’t open in the stipulated time or move the queries between the view and controller mode at the requisite speed.

When we look at ASP.Net and PHP, both are programming languages and fully equipped to handle the communication between view and controller layers. However, according to the developer’s community, ASP.Net is a sophisticated language and smoother than PHP.

But, ASP.Net serves the developer with irregularities which aren’t present in PHP. As a result, the overall coding and syntax are simpler with PHP, which ensures better codebases and smoother outcomes. Eventually, you can incorporate the needed speed and performance with this language owing to its ease of writing.

The Solutions they Offer

It is known that PHP and ASP.Net differ in their perspectives towards the solution. They focus on different aspects of web development, which makes them different from each other. While PHP focuses on creating aesthetic and content-ready websites/applications, ASP.Net focuses on delivering secure and robust solutions.

ASP.Net is the server-side language which focuses on creating a reliable, smooth backend that can handle extensive data. PHP works on the view layer, delivering intuitive and focused interfaces.

Scalability of the Application

Business owner is majorly concerned with the scalability of the applications they develop. As the business grows, the app should be ready-to-scale and appealing. It is an important aspect to consider when planning your tech stack.

Both PHP and ASP.Net are known to be scalable and efficient as programming languages. Here, the choice also depends on DIY versus hiring developers.

You can scale the application yourself, owing to a limited budget or other factors. You cannot do that when you are using ASP.Net. You will need a dedicated team of developers to help scale the web application.

However, PHP allows business owners or key players to scale the website without hiring a developer.

PHP Vs ASP.NET Development Cost

When choosing a tech stack, the cost of the programming language plays a pivotal role in completing the selection. If you are a startup working on a stringent budget, consider an open-source language with low-cost development. PHP can be easily accessed with the source code. You can customise the website and develop a fully functional application without investing much money.

ASP.Net is also free of cost. However, you must hire the right people to leverage the platform’s capability. You should hire experts for advanced app development. This can increase the cost of development and make your tech stack seemingly expensive.

Must Read: Cost of Developing ASP.Net Web Application

PHP development can occur across operating systems, including Windows, MacOS and Linux. However, if you were planning the ASP.Net development , you must proceed with Windows-based computers.

Community Backing

It is common to consider a technology that has solid community backing. The community can help when you are stuck during the application development. For instance, you can call the community for support if you need quick input. Similarly, if you need a developer, you can look into the community for someone with experience.

PHP has a strong and overcrowded community of people ready to help you with web application development. You can easily find different forums, websites and places to connect with the community. You will also find projects developed by expert PHP developers to help you find a solution to your problem.

ASP.Net also enjoys a robust community. However, when you compare it with PHP, you will notice it is smaller and less accessible. There aren’t too many forums or places to find the people from this community. So, if you choose ASP.Net, be prepared to find fewer people to help you when stuck.

Ability to Customise

Personalisation is important for increased customer engagement. If you can personalise the interactions, interface and other web or desktop application aspects, you can increase the customer base.

Customisations are impossible when you are playing around with ASP.Net. It offers fewer opportunities as it is a rigid programming language. However, when you use PHP, you will see that it can be personalised to meet your unique goals.

When customising the application using PHP, remember that coding can be full of bugs. It can eventually cost you your users. So, cleaner and well-commented codes can help you win more users.


ASP.Net is backed by Microsoft, while PHP is an open-source programming language. This means ASP.Net has more support and receives regular upgrades compared to PHP. Most of the advancements in PHP depend on the community and the developer’s work.

When choosing the programming language for your next web app development, check for the following:

Once you have the choice between PHP Vs ASP.NET, you can add the programming language to your tech stack.

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