Tips for eCommerce Product Classification

Starting an online shop, or what many call ecommerce website development, can sometimes feel like trying to find your way in a big puzzle. Every decision, from its appearance to its basic setup, changes how customers feel when they visit. One big part of this puzzle is product taxonomy in ecommerce. Think of it like a big shop. In one, everything’s messy and hard to find. In another, every item is in the right spot. This is what good ecommerce web design does.

So, how do you sort products the right way? How does a system on Shopify or another online marketplace help customers smoothly go from a big group, like ‘shoes’, to the exact pair they want? And how can new tech stuff, like machine learning, make these ecommerce category trees even better? You might wonder about these things if you’re building an ecommerce website.

The next parts show you a clear path to a great product hierarchy. Using easy-to-understand taxonomy examples and helpful tips, we’ll help you build an online shop that’s easy to use. This will ensure more people buy from you, making your business grow.

Tips for eCommerce Product Classification

10 Tips for eCommerce Product Classification

Understand Your Target Audience:

If you’re considering starting an online shop, the first big step in the e-commerce website development process is knowing who will shop there. This is like knowing who might enter a store in the real world. Who is your target audience? What are their purchasing preferences? How do they navigate online shopping? Grasping these insights lets you customise your online shop to match their preferences closely.

Let’s say you’re putting up things for sale. It would help to categorise them in a manner that resonates with your buyers. It’s like arranging aisles in a store. And for that, you need to think like them. If you know your shoppers well, you can make sure they find what they’re looking for quickly on your e-commerce website.

Start with Broad Categories:

When setting up an online store, think of it like organising a big closet. You start by sorting things into big groups, like putting all the shirts in one pile and pants in another. These big groups are like the main sections in a store. They help shoppers see at a glance what kind of stuff you have.

It’s like when you go into a big store and see signs like “Clothes,” “Shoes,” or “Toys.” These signs guide you so you know where to go. Online, it’s the same. Starting with these big groups or “broad categories” helps shoppers quickly determine where they want to go.

Once you’ve established these primary categories, you can further divide them into subgroups. For example, under “Clothes,” you might have “Men’s,” “Women’s,” and “Kids’.” This way, when someone clicks on “Clothes,” they can easily choose the next place they want to explore.

So, always remember, when setting up your online shop, begin with the big picture. Create those main sections first. This makes everything neat and easy to follow. It’s a straightforward action that can greatly impact visitors’ experiences in your store. The aim is to ensure they effortlessly locate their desired items. And when shoppers are happy, they’re more likely to buy.

Use Subcategories Wisely:

Think of your online shop like a big book. The broad categories are like chapters, and the subcategories are like the smaller sections inside each chapter. Just like in a book, readers get lost if there are fewer sections. But if there aren’t enough sections, readers might not get the details they want. It’s the same with shopping online.

When setting up your online store, remember to use the subcategories wisely. These smaller sections, or subcategories, help shoppers find exactly what they want. Let’s say your main category is “Shoes.” Your subcategories could be “Sneakers,” “Heels,” and “Boots.” This assists individuals in rapidly locating their desired shoe style.

However, be mindful! Overloading with subcategories can lead to confusion. Imagine having 20 different types of sneakers listed. That’s too much, and shoppers might give up. On the other hand, if you have one type of sneaker, that’s not enough choices.

So, when working on your online store and considering the e-commerce website development process, ensure your subcategories are right. They should be clear and simple. This will help shoppers find what they want easily, and they’ll enjoy shopping at your store more. And when people have a good time shopping, they return and buy more.

Incorporate Filters and Tags:

Online shopping is meant to be easy and quick. That’s why many top e-commerce website development platforms add a cool tool: filters and tags. Think of filters as a way to sort out what you want. Want to see only blue shirts? Just use a filter. Want shoes in size 7? There’s a filter for that, too.

Tags are a bit different. They’re like quick notes on products. If a dress is “cotton” or “long-sleeved,” those are its tags. When you see a product tag, you get a fast idea of what it’s like.

Using filters and tags makes shopping smooth. Rather than navigating through endless pages, customers can swiftly locate their desired items. So, when thinking about your online store, remember to use good e-commerce website development platforms that offer these features. It’ll make your shoppers’ lives easier, and they’ll enjoy buying from your site even more.

Prioritise Popular Products:

When you go online shopping, don’t you like it when you see cool stuff right away? That’s what online stores aim to do. By looking at numbers and what people buy the most, they can determine which products are the favourites. These are the popular or “hot” items. By putting these front and centre, shoppers can find them fast and easy.

Imagine entering a store and seeing the newest toy or fashion up front. It grabs attention, and people want to buy it. Online stores can do the same. They use special tools to see which products people are buying a lot. Then, they ensure those products are easy to find on their site.

So, if you’re setting up or improving an online store, always closely monitor what’s selling well. Bring those items to the front. It helps you sell more and makes shoppers happy because they can find what they want without searching too much.

Regularly Review and Update Categories:

Shopping online is always changing. New things become popular, and old stuff might sell poorly. That’s why online stores must check product groups or “categories.” A store can ensure it shows the right stuff to the shoppers by keeping an eye on these.

Imagine going to a store and seeing holiday decorations in summer. It would be weird. The same thing can happen online if the product groups must be checked and changed. Online shops must stay updated to fit what people are looking for.

Also, the way online stores are built and designed changes over time. So, by regularly looking at how products are grouped, stores can match the latest styles and online shopping methods. This assists in maintaining a contemporary and updated appearance for the store.

In short, always remember to keep checking and updating your online store. It helps keep things clear for shoppers and ensures the store keeps up with the times.

Use Clear and Descriptive Naming Conventions:

When naming things on your online store, it’s best to keep it simple. Think about it when you’re shopping. You wouldn’t want to see big, fancy words that make things confusing. Instead, you’d want names that tell you exactly what the product is.

For example, instead of naming a category something like “Footwear for aquatic endeavours,” it’s easier to say “Water Shoes.” Straight to the point and easy to understand. This way, people shopping on your site will understand what they’re looking at.

Also, clear names help people find what they’re looking for faster. So, they’ll have a better time shopping and are more likely to buy something. Always remember that simplifying the experience for your customers leads to greater satisfaction. Keep your product names and groups clear, simple, and easy to understand.

Optimise for Search Engines:

When setting up your online store, you want people to find it easily on places like Google. This is where SEO, or making your website search-friendly, comes into play. When you name your product groups or categories, using simple words that people often search for can help.

For instance, if you’re selling shoes, instead of naming a category “Foot Delights,” call it “Shoes.” People are more likely to search for “shoes” than the other fancy term. Additionally, ensure that your website has an intuitive design. When the structure is logical and orderly, it enhances search engines’ ability to interpret your site.

So, by using easy-to-understand words and keeping things well-organised, you’re making sure that more people find your site when they search online. And more visitors often mean more sales!

Consider Visual Aids:

When shopping online, many people find it easier to choose with the help of pictures. So, think about adding little images or icons next to the names of your product groups. For example, if you have a category for “Shirts,” a small picture of a shirt beside it can help.

These pictures are not just for show. They quickly tell the shopper what’s in that section. It’s especially handy for those who might need to improve with words or those in a hurry. When they see a familiar image, they can quickly click on it without reading much.

Adding helpful pictures can make your online store user-friendly and more fun. It’s a simple touch that can make a big difference.

Seek Feedback and Test Regularly:

Online shopping should be easy and fun. You must check how things work to ensure your online store stays top-notch. Ask your customers what they think. Do they find it easy to find products? Is there any aspect that requires further explanation?

By getting feedback, you learn what’s working and what’s not. A category name may be unclear, or they’d like something added. Regular checks, like testing out your shop yourself or asking others to do so, can spot problems early.

With online shopping changing constantly, it’s also good to see what new ideas exist. By always looking for ways to do better and listening to your customers, you ensure your shop stays fresh and easy to use.


Shopping online is becoming a big thing. Businesses need to show their stuff easily for people to find. It’s like putting things on shelves in a shop. You have big areas like ‘clothes’ or ‘gadgets’, then smaller spots like ‘men’s tops’ or ‘computers’. Tools like filters help people choose, like picking a colour or size.

These group names should be clear and simple. It’s good if the online shop can be found easily on places like Google. Using pictures with product groups helps people get it quicker. Also, it’s wise to highlight things many are buying.

Always hear what your shoppers say. Ask them how they feel about shopping on your site and make any needed fixes. Since online shopping is always changing, businesses need to stay updated. Doing all this ensures a friendly online shop and happy returning customer.