Top ReactJS Features that Make it Fit for Web App Development

Web development is an excellent way to capture an entire market in your niche. You can reach more people and offer them immediate solutions to their problems. For example, productivity web app tools can provide respite to the project manager and help them streamline the processes. This ensures quick delivery of the services.

Web traffic skyrocketed to 22% in 2020 as more people started spending more time on their desktop or mobile devices (HookAgency). Creating an experiential design and offering engaging components to enhance retention is essential.

You can only take a little while to develop the web application as your audience is waiting to solve their issues. Your competitor may jump at the chance that they get to gain traction. It would help to have web application development frameworks to support your app development needs.

React js is a JavaScript library that can enable rapid development and faster deployment. It is backed by Facebook, which offers extensive updates and quick upgrades to match the new quality needs of the mobile application.

However, what makes React js a perfect fit for your web app development are the extensive features that you get with it. Let’s look at the top seven features every developer vouches by.

top reactjs features

The Top 7 ReactJS Features to Know

These features help streamline development and improve developer efficiency. These features can help you build a robust and reliable app. You can scale the applications to meet your growing business needs.

Virtual DOM

This is an excellent feature, which doubles up as an advantage for web app developers. This feature can help boost scalable web applications or sites.

The virtual DOM represents the real DOM in the application’s memory. When you change an application, it is first reflected within the virtual DOM. If the representation is accurate and in sync with your requirements, it will be translated into the real DOM.

This way, you can reduce the chances of inaccuracies and provide modifications with fewer errors. Eventually, you will notice increased speed combined with reduced memory loss. You can avoid compromising on the speed of the application when you move forth with virtual DOM.

Component-based Architecture

The entire design and production within React js occur using component-based architecture. All the functions are devised using the components. You can design components for specific elements. For instance, you will create a component if you plan to add a button function.

The button logic and design would be added inside the component. As a result, you can make changes to the specific component within the VDOM without impacting the DOM. This results in quicker changes and better app design.

You can change the design within the application without hampering the others. It can help create a reliable application. Moreover, you can reuse the components to develop similar functions in other application parts.

JavaScript Syntax Extension

Developers vouch for the HTML structure, which offers great flexibility and the ability to write clear code. JavaScript Syntax Extension allows developers to code in JavaScript while maintaining the structure in HTML. This ensures a better description of the aesthetics and appeal of the application.

Adding a single file with the code and structure helps the development team build on the logic. It will also help the QA team analyze the application, assess the quality and evaluate for bugs. It can help create usable and accessible codes that extend high-quality solutions.

Data Binding

The biggest feature of using React js is the unidirectional data binding. This translates to a single directional data movement within the JavaScript library. Every data moves from the parent layer to the child layer. This means a top-down movement.

This helps developers when they need to modify a particular function. They can be assured that their changes will not impact the main function. For instance, the developers cannot modify the property of the component. However, they can edit the callback feature within the component.

This will help with debugging and improve the reusability feature too. Owing to this feature, React js is modular.

Declarative UI

Declarative UI is when you have defined the interface outcome and designated the elements you need within the interface design. The UI design offers a controlled environment within which the developer should operate. Using this environment, you can create dynamic and capable interfaces.

This feature is available with React Native, which makes it an accessible and interactive interface. At the same time, it makes way for better design and debugging. The developers can write legible code the testing team can easily interpret and access.

SEO-Centric Framework

If Google doesn’t discover your web application, you might not get the reach you desire. Optimizing the application, working on discoverability and enhancing the page’s technical aspects are important.

React js makes it easier for developers with inherent SEO features. As it supports technical and on-page optimization, you can implement the desired strategies while building the application.

The developers can identify ways to reduce load time, improve speed and enhance the application’s performance. These aspects will improve the SEO outcomes tremendously.

With the inherent abilities, it makes way for the quick loading of JavaScript-heavy applications.

Extends Simplicity

This is the best feature, which also makes the framework usable. Everything is handled inside the application as the JSX file executes the code. The structure and logic are defined within the code. This simplifies code development and maintenance. It also eases the load on the developer to design the interface.

As it supports code-reusability, you can build a streamlined process to create the interface.


React js is a feature-driven JavaScript library that helps create aesthetic and usable web applications. The different features help enhance the logic, create discoverable web applications and offer extensive flexibility to scale your applications.

It is a performance-driven and functional library that offers component-based development. You can create components from scratch or use the existing ones to build your application.

Choose a React js web app development company that can offer reliable and stable app development.