Tips for Optimising WooCommerce Performance and Speed

Online shoppers may not wait for a very long period. They might move to another business/website if your application doesn’t start within 3 seconds. You might be surprised to note that a website’s conversion rate can go 3x higher if it opens in less than a second Portent

The page load speed can impact your website’s performance, bolster its ROI, and strengthen retention. It can eventually reduce the churn rate for your business.

The biggest concern for retail businesses is optimising the load time and enhancing the site’s performance. Most of their online business relies on these factors, which are crucial for exceptional profits.

If you have built your website using WooCommerce, and are looking for ways to optimise it, we may have some incredible tips. You can hire WooCommerce developers to support your vision and help optimise the plan.

Top Tips to Optimise the Speed and Performance of Your Website

It is always a good idea to test the load and speed of your website during the testing phase. It will help optimise the results and create a more user-friendly interface.

Once you have the issues on hand, creating the plan for website optimisation is easier. The plan should include all the techniques that fit your optimization requirements, thus improving the speed and performance.

Optimise the Plugin Settings to Get Started

Before starting with load and speed, you should do this basic work. This begins with resetting the login page URL for your website. The current login URL is something that everyone knows and can easily hack into. You can protect your site from errors and requests with this slight setting change.

You will need to introduce the free plugins to take over the tasks. Lastly, make sure to restrict the number of content on a single page with WooCommerce, as that can improve the efficiency of your eCommerce site.

Upgrade to a High-performing Hosting

The hosting provider can be why your website needs to load faster. You could face speed and loading issues when you choose a cheap or inexperienced provider.

Your eCommerce website requires security and speed. You can grant these by offering an accurate website hosting solution. You must select a hosting provider that can offer all the solutions your WooCommerce website needs. You can choose from HostGator or other reliable services. Make sure to read their ability to connect with a retail website and how it can enhance performance. 

Must Read: WooCommerce vs Shopify: The Platform to Choose

Automate Caching for the Store

This optimises your eCommerce website to meet your set performance criteria. As WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, you will notice that it generates a page whenever a visitor visits. This can eventually lead to multiple pages.

These pages, if not cached, will impact your performance. It can even lead to reduced user experiences. Caching will ensure that a single page is created and is automatically produced when the visitor visits again. This can enhance the speed.

The Theme Does Matter

Choosing a good theme can greatly impact your eCommerce website speed. There are plenty of themes in the WooCommerce plugin. You need to choose a fast-track theme that suits your website’s requirements.

When choosing the theme, make sure to look for functionality and usability. Your theme may succeed if the website can be converted into a functional design. You must also choose a theme compatible with the WooCommerce plugin that offers the relevant speed and loading abilities.

Select the Relevant Extensions

We may get dramatically interested in the WooCommerce plugins and extensions to improve the website’s functionality. Control the urge to add everything and start choosing the ones that your business truly needs.

Adding too many extensions or plugins to boost the website functionality can lower the performance. When selecting plugins, check how they will impact your eCommerce site. Partner with WooCommerce developers that can help select the apt extensions for your business. They will offer the relevant extensions only.

Enhance the WordPress Memory Limit

Your eCommerce site performance may be limited owing to the restricted WordPress memory. This can impact the overall performance and even the website’s loading speed.

WordPress can allocate 32MB of memory to any PHP website. It will increase to 40 or even 64 MB if there are issues or requirements. However, when planning an eCommerce website with WooCommerce on this limited memory, you may need help with several issues. You are likely to exhaust these memory bytes soon.

That’s why increasing the memory size to 256 MB is important before creating the eCommerce site. It is crucial to have a backup file before you can start editing the memory for your current site.

Compress Images for Better Performance

You are likely to add several images when you have an eCommerce website. These could be product images, videos that showcase the usage and others. Adding too many images can consume the memory and impact the speed. The website is likely to become slower as content increases.

You must compress the images while delivering the website to optimise performance and offer excellent speed. There are several speed check sites available; you should check your website’s speed and monitor them using these tools.

This can help you realise how to boost the website performance with the right image size. 

Uninstall Plugins and Extensions that are Not Well-coded

Nothing is more damaging to your performance than using poorly coded plugins and extensions. They can ruin the movement through the pages, cause friction, and slow the website. It can increase the churn rate for your site.

Always choose the plugins and extensions that have received good ratings. You should check if these plugins have been used in the past in online retail solutions. You can go ahead if you see many positive reviews regarding the plugin or extension.


It is equally important to keep your WooCommerce plugin updated for the best results.

You should hire WooCommerce developers who can help you enhance the speed and performance of the website. They can offer the right solutions, intervene correctly, and offer well-coded solutions.

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